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Our packaging

The glass jar

For 5 years we have been working to convert our packaging to recyclable 100% (in particular the removal of plastic from 95% references).

Glass is the most recycled material after steel among household packaging (85% recycling rate), we want encourage and facilitate sorting of our consumers, who are more and more likely to Adopt good sorting habits.

The glass recycling sector in France is more developed and efficient than that of stoneware, due to the volume of glass packaging on the market.

In accordance with our values and our ambition to reduce our carbon footprint as much as possible, we have specialized for several years in this material for the development of our new pot and all our ranges.

Glass is infinitely recyclable.

It is also an inert and non-toxic material which permet de préserver le goût, la fraîcheur et la qualité du produit pendant longtemps.

Our glass jars are all made in France

Our packaging is 100% recyclable

The stoneware pot

Contrary to other countries, there is unfortunately today in France no recycling channel for terracotta packaging, which is nevertheless easily recyclable (because it is made of clay and water).

However, these packages remain among the most ecological car ils sont inertes, c’est-à-dire qu’ils ne détériorent pas les matières avec lesquelles ils entrent en contact d’une manière susceptible d’entrainer des atteintes à l’environnement – à l’inverse du plastique, par exemple, qui en se décomposant donne naissance à des sous-produits potentiellement dangereux pour l’environnement et la santé.

Ils permettent également de préserver le goût, la fraîcheur et la qualité du produit pendant longtemps.

Aware of the attractiveness of our stoneware pots and in particular our limited editions, we have decided to continue to offer our consumers limited editions in sandstone on our range of steamed yogurts during our promotional operations.